Tiger Oscar

Tiger Oscar

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The Oscar Cichlid is very popular, held in high esteem, and has been in demand for many years!

Oscar Contents
Habitat: Distribution / Background
Size - Weight:
Care and feeding:
Water Region: Top, Middle, Bottom:
Acceptable Water Conditions:
Social Behaviors:
Sexual Differences:
Fish Diseases
The Oscar Astronotus ocellatus is a good sized South American cichlid with great personality and that demonstrates unusually intelligence. These are handsome fish that quickly grow quite large and definitely command attention. This cichlid can reach up to a foot (33 cm) in the wild, though they are usually a bit smaller in the aquarium. Though not usually described as beautiful they are quite personable and attentive, giving them an almost puppy dog appeal.

This cichlid actually has so much personality that its territory often extends beyond the tank. They will investigate any goings on in the room and can bond with their owners on a level that the smaller cichlids don't. They can be taught to roll over for food and can even learn to enjoy being petted. Sometimes they act prideful or spoiled and can be sensitive or moody. This fish can also be demanding, behaving just like part of the family!

The adults in the wild are normally a dark color with orange around the gills, on the sides towards the back, and there's an orange-ringed black spot at the base of the caudal fin. The scientific description of this fish is truly fitting. The genus term Astronotus means "ray-backed, star-marked" and the species term ocellatus means "spotted or eye spot". Several common names used for this fish are also quite indicative of its appearance including Tiger Oscar, Velvet Cichlid, and Marble Cichlid. In earlier times they were actually referred to as the 'Velvet Cichlid'.

Wild caught Oscar Cichlids are still popular and widely available. But because Oscars are readily bred, there are many varied color forms available. The most attractive of these is the Red Oscar, which has a red body and fewer blotchings than the wild caught. The Speckled Red Oscar with black fins is a more recent variety.

Other popular tank bred varieties include the Tiger Oscar which is very similar to the wild form but with more red coloring, and the Red Tiger Oscar with marbled patches of red pigmentation. The Albino Tiger Oscar and the Albino Red Oscar are also more recent varieties. Then there are also lutinos and long finned varieties. Some Oscars have even been artificially colored or 'painted' to increase their appeal.

These cichlids are very easy to keep and a great beginner fish. They make a very rewarding pet as long as you are able to care for their needs. They grow large quickly and a tank that is 100 gallons or more is needed for their long term care. This is also not a community fish, not so much because of aggression but because it is predatory. If you start out keeping it with other fish, eventually you will be down to just one, the Oscar..

Oscars are curious fish that love to play. Rocks make a good decor but must be securely placed on the glass bottom as this fish likes to rearrange its home. Plants can be a challenge because they can be uprooted, floating plants or plastic plants often work better. They also like to explore new things, and will enjoy an occasion 'toy' like a plastic ornament. They can live 10 years or more with proper care.

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