ACANA premium dog food is made in the USA with quality ingredients from around the world.
This high-protein dog food recipe starts with wild-caught salmon, whole herring and flounder.
Balanced formula contains up to 70% animal ingredients and 30% plant ingredients and nutrients.
A tempting combination of dog food kibble and protein-packed real salmon jerky creates a taste sensation your furry friend will love.
The recipe balances protein-rich animal ingredients with other wholesome ingredients to support digestive health, a healthy weight and healthy skin and coat.
Satisfy your bestie’s wildest cravings with ACANA Butcher's Favorites Dry Dog Food, Wild-Caught Salmon. Bursting with quality nutrition, this fish-forward formula features high-quality freeze-dried kibble mixed with tender pieces of real salmon jerky. A balanced blend of protein-rich wild-caught salmon, whole herring and flounder plus chickpeas, peas and lentils provide grr-eat nutrition and help your pup maintain a healthy weight. Nutritious ingredients in the formula help support healthy digestion and skin and coat health, too. With up to 70% animal ingredients and 30% plant ingredients and nutrients, it’s a balanced formula full of what your furry friend needs to thrive!
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